(A)   All official communications of the Department shall be confined to the chain of command as follows:
      (1)   Chief of Police.
      (2)   Assistant Chief of Police.
      (3)   Commander of the Police Reserves.
      (4)   Reserve Commanding Officer.
      (5)   Reserve Patrolman.
      (6)   All Reserve Police personnel shall be subordinate to sworn members of the City Police Department.
   (B)   Commander of the Police Reserves. The Commander of the Police Reserves shall be a sworn member of the Department and shall be responsible for the administrative functions of the Police Reserve. It is his or her duty to aid, advise, and coordinate with the Chief of Police all policy and general administrative matters. Pending final approval of the Chief of Police, the Commander of the Police Reserves may recommend rules and regulations for the conduct of members of the Police Reserves.
   (C)   Reserve commanding officer. He shall do as follows:
      (1)   Direct all Reserve activities in accordance with Departmental policies, rules, and regulations.
      (2)   Supervise, through the chain of command, all directives issued by the Chief of Police or the Commander of the Police Reserves.
      (3)   Familiarize himself or herself with internal conditions and problems that confront the Reserves. He or she shall establish uniform methods and procedures for the handling of the problems with the proper authority.
      (4)   Appoint standing and special committees to coordinate projects ordered by the Chief of Police, or the Commander of the Police Reserves.
      (5)   Formulate Reserve orders subject to the approval of the Commander of the Police Reserves and the Chief of Police.
      (6)   Work closely with the Commander of the Police Reserves to maintain an efficient organization.
      (7)   Be responsible to the Commander of the Police Reserves for the conduct of all Reserve officers under the command.
      (8)   Assist the Reserve Commander in coordinating schedules.
   (D)   Reserve patrolman.
      (1)   Every patrolman shall confine his or her patrol to the district assigned, or if no district is assigned, then to the confines of the city limits, unless the officer is in pursuit of a violator, dispatched by an authorized person, or any other necessary absence as approved by his or her superior.
      (2)   He or she shall not use his or her personal auto in patrolling the city, unless authorized by the Chief of Police.
      (3)   He or she shall constantly patrol the district or city except when on special assignments. He or she shall avoid all unnecessary conversation with individuals except in the line of duty.
      (4)   He or she shall arrest violators of the law, protect life and property, recover stolen or lost property, prevent crime, patrol the assigned district, make periodic checks of business places, banks, schools, pool halls, taverns, and other places frequented by law violators, and perform all other duties common to police work.
      (5)   He or she shall investigate accidents, crimes, and take other reports as directed. These investigations are to be carried out to the fullest extent of his or her capacities. Then, and only then, will the investigation be turned over to the detective division.
      (6)   He or she shall report all nuisances or other matters affecting the safety or convenience of the public and interest of the city, such as street and sidewalk conditions, faulty street lights, traffic signals, traffic signs, and all other hazards.
      (7)   He or she shall respond to all emergency situations and calls for help.
      (8)   He or she shall investigate all suspicious persons or conditions found on duty.
      (9)   He or she shall make arrests when feasible or report to superiors all vice and drug activities.
      (10)   He or she shall be in uniform and properly equipped at all times while on duty, and shall perform all other duties assigned by superiors.
      (11)   He or she shall assist other departments of local government when needed.
      (12)   He or she shall perform any and all other duties assigned to him or her by his or her superior officers.
(Ord. 26-1979, passed 10-15-79)