Prior to the commencement of any new construction within the Village, all construction sites shall obtain and maintain a portable sanitary facility that meets all requirements of the Will County Health Department. Said sanitary facility shall be in proper working order, and be maintained during the entire period of construction at the expense of applicant. It may be removed only after a valid certificate of occupancy has been issued by the Village. This requirement shall apply to all new building construction, whether residential, commercial or industrial. In the event any projects are undertaken before said portable sanitary facilities have been made available on site, the Village may revoke any previously issued building permits, and issue a "stop work" order. No further work shall take place at, or upon any property, until and unless the violation has been waived in writing by the Village building inspector. A reinspection fee of no less than fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be assessed in such circumstances. (Ord. 1169, 11-11-2012)