(A)    The township hereby elects to join the State Municipal Retirement System, established by the State Municipal Retirement Law, Act 15 of 1974, 53 P.S. §§ 888.101 et seq., as amended, and does hereby agree to be bound by the State Municipal Retirement Law and the amendments and to assume all obligations, financial and otherwise, placed upon member municipalities by said law and amendment. All references hereafter shall be based on benefits negotiated between the Board and the municipality under the provisions of Article IV and reflected in the agreement dated May 14, 1986.
   (B)   Membership in the State Municipal Retirement System shall be mandatory for all permanent employees. Membership for employees hired on a temporary or seasonal basis shall be prohibited. Officers and employees paid wholly on a fee basis shall not be eligible for membership in the system.
   (C)   Credited service for each member shall begin effective January 1, 1986. No credit shall be given or provided for the service rendered to the township prior to this time.
   (D)   As part of this section, the township agrees to the outline of benefits set forth in the agreement between the Board and the township dated May 14, 1986. The passage and adoption of this section by the Supervisors of the township is an official acceptance of said benefit structure and the accompanying financial obligations contained in the administration of said benefit package.
   (E)   A duly certified copy of this section and the accompanying agreement shall be filed with the State Municipal Retirement Board of the commonwealth. Membership for the non-uniformed employees of the township in the state municipal retirement system shall be effective January 1, 1986.
   (F)   (1)   The township, being a member municipality of the state municipal retirement system, hereby elects to amend its municipal pension plan administered by the system in accordance with Article IV of the State Municipal Retirement Law, 53 P.S. §§ 881.101 et seq., and does hereby agree to be bound by all the requirements and provisions of the retirement law and the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act, 53 P.S. §§ 895.101 et seq., and to assume all obligations, financial and otherwise, placed upon member municipalities.
      (2)   As part of this division (F), the township agrees that the system shall administer and provide the benefits set forth in the amended municipal pension plan contract entered into between the State Municipal Retirement Board and the township effective March 1, 2013.
(Ord. 77, passed 6-11-1986; Ord. 101, passed 7-11-1990; Ord. 213, passed 12-27-2013)