(A) All address numbers denoting the street address of a property or structure shall comply with the provisions of the Chapter 96, Township Property Maintenance Code.
(B) Address numbers shall not be displayed in the form of script, Roman numerals or any other way the is not easily readable or discernable.
(C) Address numbers shall not be covered with any sign, drapery or other obstruction which conceals the number from the street or makes it harder to read.
(D) All old address numbers shall be removed from any house, building or other structure when a new number has been assigned such property or structure or when so directed to do so by the Township Code Enforcement Officer. The Code Enforcement Officer is hereby authorized to require the numbering and renumbering of any property, house, building, or other structure in accordance with the Township Code.
It shall be unlawful to remove or vandalize or to attempt to remove or vandalize the address numbers (or the sign or structure they are affixed to) of another person’s property or structure.
(Ord. 104, passed 6-12-1991)
Penalty, see § 98.99