§ 94.67 PROCEDURE.
   (A)   Unless the township desires to acquire the well, all wells, test wells, monitoring wells, uncompleted wells and completed wells that are to be abandoned shall be effectively sealed in accordance with the following procedures.
   (B)   The guide to be followed in the sealing of abandoned wells is the restoration, as far as feasible, of the controlling geographical conditions that existed prior to the well being drilled or constructed.
      (1)   The Water Well Abandonment Guidelines as published by the PaDEP in February 1995, or as revised, shall be followed for all well abandonment.
      (2)   Any and all equipment present in the well shall be removed.
      (3)   The well shall be probed for depth and the presence of any obstruction which could interfere with the sealing operation. Prior to sealing the well, measurements shall be taken to obtain the static water level.
      (4)   If possible, the casing shall be pulled from the well to ensure placement of an effective seal. Otherwise the casing shall be perforated and cut to approximately two feet below the surface of the ground to ensure proper sealing.
      (5)   The borehole shall be filled with cement grout or bentonite. The grout material shall be placed starting at the bottom of the well and moving slowly upward by such methods that will assure the integrity of the sealing material.
      (6)   Accurate record of the entire abandonment and sealing procedure shall be kept to demonstrate that the well has been properly sealed. The person responsible for sealing the well shall submit a written report to the township containing this record. This report shall indicate the location of the well, depth of the well, ground elevation at the well, the static water level, the depth of each layer of all sealing and backfilling materials, and amount of material used to seal the well.
      (7)   Hand dug wells shall be filled with clean stone and capped with 15 inches of concrete. All of the other abandonment procedures shall be followed.
(Ord. 186, passed 1-9-2008) Penalty, see § 94.99