(A)   (1)   All well drilling in the township shall be in accordance with the standards set forth by the EPA Manual of Water Well Construction Practices (EPA 570/9-75-001), PaDEP Water Supply Manual (latest revision) and AWWA Standard for Water Wells (ANSI/AWWA A100-07).
      (2)   If there is a conflict between the above requirements and requirements listed below, the more restrictive requirement shall be applicable.
   (B)   The actual onsite work of drilling, constructing, altering or repairing a well shall be under the supervision of a person in possession of a valid well driller’s license issued pursuant to the laws of the commonwealth.
   (C)   During drilling and the construction of the well(s), the area surrounding the wellhead(s) shall be maintained in a clean condition and surface drainage including the water discharging from the well shall be diverted away from the wellhead.
   (D)   During the drilling and construction of the well, erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be implemented around the wellhead in accordance with the requirements of the County Conservation District.
   (E)   When drilling or increasing the depth of a well, an accurate well drilling log shall be maintained. This log shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Interval. The depth, in feet, below a datum level such as ground level or top of casing through which the drill is advancing;
      (2)   Geologic description. A description of the rock type penetrated through the particular interval. This description should include such things as color, texture, thickness, rock type and geologic name, if known;
      (3)   Yield. The total yield of water at the depth drilled. In general, the yield should increase with increasing depth;
      (4)   Water bearing zones. Openings in the bedrock that provide yields to the well. The depth and yield of water bearing zones should be estimated with methods acceptable to the township.
      (5)   Water quality. Any information concerning water quality; and
      (6)   Comments. Anything that the driller finds noteworthy: artesian conditions; change in pressure; loss of fluid; and the like.
   (F)   Samples shall be collected a minimum of every five feet during drilling, or at each change in rock type, if sooner. Each sample shall be placed in a non-breakable container. The container, in a sturdy box, shall be made available to the township.
   (G)   The drilling of a new community well shall be subject to the wellhead protection regulations of the township zoning ordinance and the wellhead protection zone delineation requirements of the township subdivision and land development ordinance.
   (H)   After the drilling of the well, the well shall be properly developed so as to obtain the best practical yield and quality. Testing of the well should be conducted as outlined in the AWWA Standard A-100-84.
(Ord. 186, passed 1-9-2008)