§ 91.35 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this subchapter is to establish procedures for the use and maintenance of holding tanks when the township, the County Department of Health or the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection determines that the use of a holding tank is necessary to abate a nuisance or public health hazard; or for use by an institutional, recreational or commercial establishment with a sewage flow of 400 gallons per day or less; or for the temporary installation when and Act 537 revision provides for replacement of the temporary holding tank by adequate sewerage services in accordance with a schedule approved by the township and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
   (B)   It is hereby declared that the enactment of this subchapter is necessary for the protection, benefit and preservation of the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the township.
(Ord. 111, passed 4-14-1993)