For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AUTHORITY. Bedminster Municipal Authority.
DROUGHT CONTINGENCY AND WATER RATIONING PLAN. The drought contingency and water rationing plan adopted by the municipal authority dated September 30, 2004 and all amendments and updates or replacements thereof that the authority may adopt from time to time.
DROUGHT EMERGENCY. The highest of three levels of drought status and includes a mandatory reduction of at least 15% in water use by residents and it may be declared by the Governor of the commonwealth, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection or the Township Board of Supervisors.
DROUGHT WARNING. The second or middle level of three levels of drought status that includes a voluntary reduction of 10% to 15% in water use by residents and that may be declared by the Governor of the commonwealth, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection or the Township Board of Supervisors.
DROUGHT WATCH. The lowest of three levels of drought status that includes a voluntary 5% reduction in water use by residents, a DROUGHT WATCH may be declared by the Governor of the commonwealth, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection or the Township Board of Supervisors.
(Ord. 174, passed 10-11-2006)