(A) All service or supply pipes in the ground must be held to a depth of not less than 30 inches and shall be attached to the meter box at the curb with a union close to the curb and not passing through or within two feet of a vault, sewer, drip, or wall of any kind, and shall be protected from frost when necessary. In case there is a basement under the building which is entered by a pipe, a stop and waste valve must be placed at a convenient place close to the wall on the inside. However, if there is no basement to the building, then a stop and waste valve must be placed in the pipe 30 inches under ground with a rod attached thereto running up to a convenient place, and some arrangement must be made around the stop and waste to allow the water escaping from it to run away so the water may be drawn back and all the pipes within the building emptied through the stop and waste valve by shutting the valve and opening the faucet at the highest joint and all other fixtures within the building, allowing the air to enter the pipe. The waste must be kept open in exposed situations in cold weather at all times when the service is not used for drawing water.
('67 Code, § 50.31)
(B) All copper pipe used for buried service shall be of the kind known as type “K”, and all iron pipes used for house service must withstand a hydraulic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch.
('67 Code, § 50.26) (Ord. 96-1931, passed 7-7-03)