For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALARM AGENT. The business, firm, corporation, or partnership designated and employed by the Alarm Board on behalf of the Police Department to maintain, service, alter, repair, replace, move, or connect any burglar or other alarm to the monitoring equipment and related paraphernalia to be maintained by the police at the central answering point.
ALARM BOARD. The board established in § 35.20.
ALARM DEVICE. The portion of the alarm system located within or upon the premises of the alarm holder to detect entry into said premises by an unauthorized intruder.
ALARM HOLDER. The owner, lessee, or person responsible for the existence of an alarm device within or upon his premises.
ALARM SYSTEM. An assembly of equipment and devices designed to signal or transmit a signal to monitoring equipment maintained at the central answering point, the presence of a hazard at the premises of the alarm holder requiring urgent attention and to which police personnel are expected to respond. Such an alarm system may include, “Burglar,” “Hold-up,” or “Robbery” warning devices. Included in the alarm system are alarm devices emitting sounds, flashing lights, or beacon signals to warn persons outside the premises of the existence of a hazard at the premises.
AUTOMATIC DIALER. An alarm system which automatically sends over regular telephone lines (as distinguished from dedicated telephone lines) a prerecorded voice message or coded signal, indicating the existence of an emergency situation at the premises of an alarm holder.
BURGLAR ALARM. An alarm device activated automatically signaling the entry or attempted entry of an unauthorized intruder in or upon the premises of an alarm holder, or which such activation is to signal a robbery, attempted robbery, hold-up, attempted hold-up, burglary, or attempted burglary at such premises.
CENTRAL ANSWERING POINT. An office or place maintained by the police to which burglar alarms are connected and where police personnel supervise or monitor burglar alarm signals through the use of monitoring equipment.
DEDICATED TELEPHONE LINE. A telephone line which has as its sole use the transmission of an alarm signal from an alarm device to monitoring equipment.
DIRECT CONNECTION. The method of using a telephone line or other transmission line, which line has as its sole use the transmission of a burglar alarm signal from an alarm device to the monitoring equipment maintained at the central answering point.
FALSE ALARM. A burglar alarm signal received at the central answering point from an alarm device from causes aside from burglary, attempted burglary, severe weather conditions, or timely and proper telephone call to police canceling any response by police to the alarm signal. Such aside causes are generated from human error; improper maintenance; improper installation; faulty equipment; electrical or mechanical malfunction; or excessive sensitivity.
FEES. Monies paid by an alarm holder to continue to have his alarm device connected to the central answering point.
LOCAL ALARM. Alarm equipment which, when activated, causes an audible or visual signal in or on the premises. This type of alarm equipment may or may not be a part of the alarm system.
MONITORING EQUIPMENT. An assembly of equipment and devices maintained at the central answering point which is part of the alarm system which registers the activation of an alarm device and, in response to said activation, police personnel are expected to respond.
POLICE. The City of Bedford, Department of Police.
SERVICE CHARGE. An assessment by the police against an alarm holder for a false alarm.
TROUBLE INDICATION. A transmittal signal, different from a burglar alarm signal, which indicates a mechanical or electrical problem within the alarm system.
(Ord. 45-1981, passed 10-13-81)