(A)   Through this subchapter, the city seeks to ensure the protection of all city employees during the servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment in which the unexpected energization or start up of the machines or equipment or release of stored energy could cause injury to employees.
   (B)   Activities or operations that are covered under this subchapter are:
      (1)   Any source of mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or other energy;
      (2)   Constructing, installing, setting up, adjusting, inspecting, modifying, maintaining and/or servicing machines or equipment, including lubrication, cleaning or unjamming of machines or equipment, and making adjustments or tool changes, where employees could be exposed to the unexpected energization or startup of the equipment or release of hazardous energy; and
      (3)   Servicing and maintenance activities performed during normal production operations if:
         (a)   An employee is required to remove or bypass machine guards or other safety devices; or
         (b)   An employee is required to place any part of his or her body into a point of operation or into an area on a machine or piece of equipment where work is performed, or into the danger zone associated with the machine's operation.
    (C)   Activities or operations that are not covered under this subchapter are:
      (1)   Servicing and maintenance of equipment performed during normal production operations if the safeguarding provisions under OSHA's machine guarding standards, and other applicable general industry standards are effective in preventing worker exposure to hazards created by the unexpected energization or startup of machines or equipment, or the release of energy.
      (2)   Minor tool changes and adjustments, and other minor servicing activities that take place during normal production operations which are routine, repetitive, and integral to the use of that production equipment, as long as workers are effectively protected by alternative measures which provide effective machine safeguarding protection under OSHA's machine guarding standards.
      (3)   Work on cord and plug connected electrical equipment, if the equipment is unplugged from the energy source and the authorized employee has exclusive control of the plug.
      (4)   Hot tap operations that involve transmission and distribution systems for gas, steam, water, or petroleum products on pressurized pipelines, if continuity of service is essential, shutdown of the system is impractical, documented procedures are followed, and employees are effectively protected by special equipment.
(Ord. 48-2005, passed 11-8-05)