(A)   Proper documentation for the Procurement Card is the same as any other procurement transaction.
   (B)   A record of what is being purchased should be signed by the cardholder. In addition, it should be noted who placed the order, and the packing slip, sales receipt, or other receiving papers should complete the record.
   (C)   To facilitate the reconciliation and payment process, all cardholders are responsible for forwarding all credit card slips, cash register receipts, packing slips, etc., to their accounts processor.
   (D)   A mail back list shall be included with any payment to the card provider. This list shall include cardholder's name, account number and amount to be applied to that account; this list shall equal your total payment for the claim period.
   (E)   The cardholder and/or department may also choose to maintain a transaction log/summary to expedite reconciliation and distribution of charges. (see Appendix F, as attached to Ord. 13-2013, passed 6-11-13)
(Ord. 40-2005, passed 10-11-05; Am. Ord. 13-2013, passed 6-11-13)