(A)   The city shall implement complete streets solutions in a manner that is sensitive to our local context, character, and values. Transportation and land use goals should align and reflect public sentiments recorded in the comprehensive plan. Roadway design decisions should balance economic, social, and environmental objectives while also recognizing that the needs of users may vary by case, neighborhood, or corridor.
   (B)   Outreach and involvement of the community is essential to ensuring context sensitivity. As implementation begins, community engagement and education efforts should accompany pilot projects.
   (C)   To facilitate maximum community engagement and objective enforcement, a Complete Streets Task Force shall be established for the city. The Task Force will be made up of the City Street Commissioner and Parks and Recreation Director, three mayoral appointments of which one shall include a representative from a health and wellness promoting organization (for example, community hospitals, Purdue Cooperative Extension, Live Well Lawrence County, Friends of the Milwaukee Trail, and the like), and two City Council appointments. Up to two ex officio members may serve as facilitators. This group should include individuals representing the diversity of stakeholders utilizing the city transportation system.
   (D)   The Complete Streets Task Force will be responsible for promoting and advancing both the broader vision and implementation details of this complete streets policy to ensure that the needs of all users and all modes are addressed throughout the planning and design process.
(Ord. 10-2018, passed 4-10-18)