(A)   This chapter's protection standard is the regulatory flood. The best available regulatory flood data is listed below. Whenever a party disagrees with the best available data, the party submitting the detailed engineering study needs to replace existing data with better data and submit it to the state Department of Natural Resources for review and approval.
   (B)   The regulatory flood elevation, floodway, and fringe limits for the studied SFHAs of the city shall be as delineated on the 100-year flood profiles in the Flood Insurance Study of Lawrence County, Indiana, and Incorporated Areas and the corresponding FIRM prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated December 3, 2010.
   (C)   The regulatory flood elevation, floodway, and fringe limits for each of the remaining SFHAs delineated as an “A Zone” on the FIRM of Lawrence County, Indiana, and Incorporated Areas prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated December 3, 2010, shall be according to the best data available as provided by the state Department of Natural Resources, provided that the upstream drainage area from the subject site is greater than one square mile.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed 8-10-10)