Improvements shall be installed in accordance with the regulations contained in this section or as directed by the Municipal Engineer.
   No dedication of streets shall be accepted nor shall the subdivision of any land within the City be approved until the following improvements have been completed or provisions have been made guaranteeing all such improvements in conformity with this section and other ordinances relating thereto, which are satisfactory to Council.
(a)    Drainage. Adequate facilities shall be provided for the removal of surface water from all streets offered for dedication and from such other surfaces within the boundaries of the proposed subdivision as Council may determine and for the discharge thereof to established watercourses or another approved drainage system. All culverts, drains and other structures required for the prompt removal of such storm water shall be provided.
(b)    Grading. All streets shall be graded to their full width as shown on the dedication plan and to the grade and cross-section approved by Council. Grading of adjoining surfaces may be required by Council where necessary for the protection of the street.
(c)    Water Mains. All streets offered for dedication shall be provided with water mains, including fire hydrants, valves and accessories, and with curb connections extending three (3) feet beyond the paved area and shall have direct connection with an existing supply main. All such construction shall meet the approval of Council and conform to the requirements of the Water Department of the City of Cleveland.
(d)    Sewers. 
(1)    Both sanitary and storm water sewers shall be provided in all streets offered for dedication and shall make direct connection to adequate facilities for discharge and disposition of the flows therefrom. All such sewers and drains shall be properly engineered and constructed and shall include both storm water and sanitary sewerage connections for each lot, which connections shall extend three (3) feet beyond the paved area.
(2)    When no outlet for sanitary sewers is available, the requirement for construction of sanitary sewers in the streets proposed for dedication may be waived or postponed by Council under such terms and conditions as Council may determine.
         (Ord. 72-13. Passed 7-11-72.)
   (e)    Pavements.
(1)    All streets offered for dedication shall include an improved roadway area not less than twenty-four (24) feet in width, extending the full length of each such street and connecting with improved road surfaces in all terminal and intersecting streets. Types of construction of all such roadways shall be subject to approval by Council, but shall be a minimum of Portland cement concrete equivalent to a standard seven(7)- reinforced section with a four-by-twelve (4x12) inch roll curb and a two (2)-inch cushion course. However, a heavier roadway may be required by Council if the use, traffic density, circulation and safety require the same.
(2)    All new curbs that are authorized by Council and all existing curbs which form a part of any reconstruction, shall have a ramp with nonslip surface built into the curb at each pedestrian crosswalk so that the sidewalk and street blend to a common level. Ramps shall be not less than forty (40) inches wide and shall insofar as feasible be constructed in accordance with the standard drawings and specifications for curb ramps of the Department of Transportation.
         (Ord. 77-15. Passed 3-15-77.)
(f)    Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be required on every street. They shall be constructed on each side of each street offered for dedication and all such walks shall connect with sidewalks in terminal and intersecting streets. Walks shall be of Portland cement concrete not less than five (5) feet in width and shall conform in all respects to the provisions of Municipal ordinances pertaining thereto.
(g)    Monuments. Permanent monuments of a type and design as required by the standards and specifications of the City shall be accurately set and established at the intersection of all outside boundary lines of the plat; at intersections of these boundary lines with all street lines; at two diagonally opposite corners, at least, of each street intersection; at the beginning and end of all curves; at points on curves where the radius or direction changes; and at such other points as are necessary to establish definitely all lines of the plat, except to outlining individual lots. In general, permanent monuments shall be placed at all critical points necessary to enable any skilled surveyor correctly to lay out any lot in the subdivision.
(h)    Street Signs. The subdivider shall furnish and erect street signs for all streets in the subdivision at all intersections and such other places as directed by the Engineer. The style and design of street signs shall be in accordance with the standards and specifications of the City.
(i)    Supervision by Engineer. All improvements shall be constructed under the supervision of the Engineer.
(j)    Trees. Trees of an approved size and a species appropriate for the specific location, selected from a list approved by the Planning Commission, shall be planted on both sides of every street at distances approved by the Commission or as set forth in the Master Tree Plan.
(k)    Increase of Right of Way. The required minimum right of way and the minimum paved or improved portion thereof of any street or road may be increased no more than ten percent (10%) by the Commission if deemed necessary because of unusual conditions and the anticipated volume of vehicular traffic.
(l)    Sewer Construction. Storm and sanitary sewers, where required, shall be constructed in accordance with specifications equal to or in excess of those prescribed and used by the City for such improvements when constructed by the City.
(m)    Construction Materials. Materials used in connection with the construction of any improvement required in connection with the development of a new subdivision or within any established street or road shall be tested in accordance with the standards used by the City for general improvements undertaken by it. Any costs incurred for laboratory, shop and field tests shall be borne by the developer or the person undertaking the construction of the improvements.
(n)   Utility Construction. 
(1)    In connection with the construction of utilities within any dedicated street or in any street to be dedicated as a part of a subdivision, the owner and contractor shall plan the work so as to present a minimum of inconvenience to the normal flow of traffic. The contractor shall submit a written plan of operation to the Engineer and obtain written approval of the plan before beginning construction.
(2)    Failure to obtain such approval shall be sufficient reason for the Engineer to stop the work. Where any trenches cross the traveled portion of a street that is kept open to traffic, the contractor shall furnish and install, at no cost to the City, a steel plate satisfactory to the Engineer to insure the smooth passage of normal traffic flow.
(o)    City Specifications. In connection with all street improvements, any detail of construction which is not governed specifically by an ordinance of the City shall be in accordance with the specifications usually used by the City in connection with its own improvements.
(p)    Underground Communication Electric Power and Street Lighting. In all subdivisions of more than ten sublots, the following procedure and requirements shall be met:
(1)    Utility easements at least ten (10) feet in width for communication and electric power and street lighting distribution lines and facilities shall be provided on all front lot lines and along certain side or rear lot lines where necessary.
(2)    Prior to granting final approval, the subdivider shall have installed the following, or shall have furnished adequate bond for the ultimate installation of such in accordance with the requirements of Part Thirteen - the Building Code:
A.    Underground communication cables;
B.    Underground distribution cables for power and street lighting from a common distribution system, and the equipment and housing necessary for the operation of the distribution system;
C.    Adequate provision for street light lamps and standards in accordance with a design approved by Council.
(3)    The Commission may authorize a variance from these regulations when undue hardship may result from strict compliance. In granting any variance, the Commission shall prescribe only conditions which it deems necessary or desirable for the public interest when it finds that there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property such that the strict application of the provisions of this subsection would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land.
(q)    Culverts, Bridges, Etc. All culverts and bridges necessary within the street lines of the property to be allotted, all box culverts necessary to carry surface drains, all required drainage, outlets or crosswalks, and any work necessary at the intersection of existing streets which are being dedicated, all as determined by the Engineer, shall be constructed only after approval by the Engineer.
      (Ord. 72-13. Passed 7-11-72.)