   Referral of the preliminary plan for review by the Architectural Board of Review and reports shall be as set forth in Section 1185.03 of this chapter. The Commission shall also transmit a copy of the preliminary plan to the City Engineer, Police Chief and Fire Chief for their review, report and recommendations. A copy of all covenants, restrictions and easements to be recorded and covenants for maintenance of common areas and homeowner association bylaws shall be submitted to the Director of Law for his review and recommendation.
(Ord. 2007-076. Passed 5-21-07.)
   1185.141 DEFINITIONS.
   (a)   "Front of structure" means the maximum projection of the front side of the dwelling structure including the garage facing the public street, a private roadway servicing more than two (2) dwellings or a common court containing an access driveway or roadway.
   (b)   "Side of structure" means the extreme end of the dwelling and attached garage structure generally at right angles to the front of the dwelling structure.
   (c)   "Rear of structure" means the extreme rear side of the dwelling and attached garage structure opposite and generally parallel to the front of the structure.
   (d)   "Roadway" means a public or private vehicular paved area used for access to two (2) or more family dwelling structures, primarily used for vehicular traffic.
(Ord. 2007-076. Passed 5-21-07.)
   The findings of the Planning Commission shall be as set forth in Section 1185.04 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2007-076. Passed 5-21-07.)