Off street parking and loading requirements and regulations are established in order to achieve, among other things, the following purposes:
(a) To provide regulations that assure sufficient number of off-street parking spaces, in proportion to the need of each use to:
(1) To relieve congestion on streets to allow more fully the movement of vehicular traffic;
(2) To lessen vehicular movement in the vicinity of intensive pedestrian traffic and thereby promote safety and convenience;
(3) To protect adjoining residential neighborhoods from excessive non-residential on-street parking; and,
(4) To promote general convenience, welfare, and prosperity of developments which depend upon off-street parking facilities.
(b) To provide for accommodation of vehicles in a functionally and aesthetically satisfactory manner and to minimize external effects on adjacent land uses.
(c) To allow flexibility in addressing vehicle parking and access issues.
(Ord. 2023-029. Passed 4-18-23.)