(a)   The Outparcel Overlay District shall be an overlay district that may apply to areas that meet the following criteria:
      (1)   Parcels within the following underlying zoning:
         A.   I - Industrial District
         B.   LIO - Light Industrial/Office District
         C.   SC-1 - Shopping Center District
      (2)   The outparcel development may be split from the larger parcel; however, existing curb cuts and access must be jointly shared through an executed legal agreement between landowners to avoid new curb cuts onto the street. A copy of such legal agreement shall be provided to and kept on file by the City's Building Department and the County.
      (3)   The applicant must demonstrate the proposed use to be a benefit to the community. Council may consider the following factors at a minimum:
         A.   Property and payroll benefit to the City;
         B.   Limited traffic impact. A traffic study may be required;
         C.   Market viability. The proposed use does not saturate the specific market within the City; and
         D.   Aesthetic impact to the corridor and potential obstruction of sight lines to rear businesses.
      (4)   The provisions of the Outparcel Overlay District, when in conflict with the other articles of the Zoning Code, shall take precedence.
         (Ord. 2024-069. Passed 9-17-24.)