1159.01 INTENT.
   The Industrial Districts (I, LIO) and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(a)    To provide for orderly growth and development in the City of Bedford Heights.
(b)    To provide sufficient areas, in appropriate locations, for industrial activities and the production, distribution, and exchange of goods and services.
(c)    To protect residential neighborhoods adjacent to Industrial Districts by establishing performance standards and restricting the types of establishments that might create noise, odors, or other objectionable influences beyond the district boundaries.
(d)    To provide certainty to property owners, developers, and neighbors about the limits of what is allowed in the Industrial Districts.
(e)    To carry out the following specific purposes:
(1)    The intent of the Light Industrial/Office District (LIO) is to provide for office, wholesale, artisan industrial, and light manufacturing uses that include fabrication, manufacturing, assembly, or processing of materials that do not in their operations create smoke, gas, odor, dust, noise, vibration of earth, soot or lighting that is offensive when measured at the property line. Within the Light Industrial/Office District, establishments conduct nearly all operations within an enclosed building and usually do not have outdoor storage areas or operations.
(2)    The intent of the Industrial District (I) is to provide lands that accommodate more intense industrial operations that are important to the City¡|s economy but may have external impacts to surrounding properties that necessitate increased setbacks adjacent to Residence Districts, when applicable.
         (Ord. 2023-029. Passed 4-18-23.)