Outdoor activities permitted in the Northfield Road Commercial District are set forth in Schedule 1153.02 (d), Use Regulations, and shall be permitted only when accessory to a principal permitted, restricted, or conditional use in compliance with the regulations in this Section.
(a)    Outdoor Storage. The outdoor, overnight storage of general materials, fleet vehicles, and equipment shall comply with the following:
(1)    Outdoor storage of materials, fleet vehicles, and equipment shall only include the storage of goods, materials, equipment or products customary associated with the principal use. The storage of radioactive, toxic or otherwise hazardous materials shall not be permitted.
(2)    All outdoor storage of goods, materials, fleet vehicles, and equipment shall be enclosed with a solid wall or fence, including solid gates. The wall or fence shall have a height tall enough to conceal all materials therein from the view of any observer standing at grade level. However, in no case shall the height of the fence or wall be less than six (6) feet. The solid wall or fence and the associated gates shall be maintained in good condition. No barb or razor wire shall be permitted.
(3)    All outdoor storage shall be stored in such a fashion as to be accessible to fire-fighting equipment at all times.
(4)    Areas devoted to outdoor storage shall be located in a rear yard so that it is behind the principal building and not visible from any public street, unless the outdoor storage is located on a corner lot. Enclosed storage areas devoted to outdoor storage shall be setback fifty (50) feet from any property boundary that abuts a Residence Districts, except the R-3 District. In no case shall the side and rear setback of the enclosed area be less than ten (10) feet.
(5)    All equipment and fleet vehicles shall be in an operable state. In no case shall inoperable equipment and vehicles be stored overnight.
(6)    Any proposed outdoor storage areas shall be approved as part of a development plan review in accordance with Chapter 1131.
(b)    Outdoor Display/Sales. Outdoor Display/Sales is prohibited in the Northfield Road Commercial District.
(c)    Restaurant, Outdoor Dining. Restaurants shall be permitted to operate outdoor dining on sidewalks, including areas within the public right-of-way and in courtyards, provided that pedestrian circulation and access to store entrances shall not be impaired. The following standards shall apply to outdoor eating areas:
(1)    If outdoor dining is proposed to be in the public right-of-way, a permit shall be obtained from the Mayor before a Certificate of Zoning Compliance is issued.
(2)    Planters, fencing, or other devices shall be used as a way of defining the area occupied by the outdoor dining.
(3)    Extended awnings, canopies, or large umbrellas shall be permitted if located to provide shade or cover.
(4)    The operators of outdoor dining shall maintain a clean, litter-free, and well-kept appearance within and immediately adjacent to the area of cafe activity.
(5)    The outdoor seating area shall be used in conjunction with, and is under the same management and exclusive control of, a restaurant located on the same or contiguous property.
         (Ord. 2023-029. Passed 4-18-23.)