Off street parking lots shall comply with Chapter 1181, Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations, and the parking requirements below:
(a)    Off-Street Parking Areas in the NRC-Tier 2-Revitalization Level. When applicants develop under the NRC-Tier 2- Revitalization Level standards, off-street parking areas shall be located to the rear or side of the principal building on the lot and no closer to the right-of-way line than the facade of the largest principal building on the lot. The Planning Commission may grant a modification to this requirement only if the applicant demonstrates that, due to the unusual shape or depth of the lot, the application of this parking locational requirement would be unreasonable. If the Planning Commission does see the merits of such a modification, the majority of the parking shall be located behind the front facade of the principal building. Below is an example of the appropriate siting of off-street parking areas:
(b)    Cross Access to Off-Street Parking Lots. Parking lots in both the NRC-Tier 1- Base Level and the NRC-Tier 2-Revitalization Level shall be interconnected with non-residential parking lots on adjacent properties to the maximum extent feasible. Permanent cross-access easements or other acceptable agreements for adjacent lots with interconnected parking lots shall be submitted in language acceptable to the City's Law Director and the Planning Commission.
(c)    Setbacks for Joint Parking Facilities. When cross access between two parking areas is required or provided, the parking setback shall not be required for the opening that accommodates the drive aisle, but it shall be required in all other areas that abut the shared property line. When shared parking, which spans the mutual property line, is required or provided, the parking setback is not required to be provided.
(d)    Landscaping within the Parking Setback. The area within the parking setback shall be landscaped in accordance with Chapter 1187, Landscaping, Screening, and Lighting Regulations.
(e)    Landscaping Off-Street Parking Areas. The off-street parking area shall be landscaped and screened in accordance with Article 1187, Landscaping, Screening, and Lighting Regulations.
(f)    A masonry wall that is at least six (6) feet in height shall be required between parking areas and a side or rear lot line of a Residence District.
(g)    Loading and Service Areas.
(1)    Loading and service areas in the Northfield Road Commercial District shall be located in the rear yard, unless the Planning Commission determines that placement in a side yard would lessen the impact on adjacent residential uses.
(2)    Loading and service areas shall comply with the applicable parking setback requirements set forth in this Chapter and shall be screened in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 1187.07, Screening of Accessory Uses. Loading and service areas utilized between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM shall comply with subsection 1153.08 (i), Night Operation.
         (Ord. 2023-029. Passed 4-18-23.)