The Northfield Road Commercial District (NRC) and the associated regulations are established
herein in order to facilitate and encourage investment and redevelopment of commercial and office parcels that front on Northfield Road. To that end, Northfield Road Commercial District provides for two (2) different approaches for redevelopment that:
Permit flexibility in the design and development that will result in a more efficient and desirable use of land;
Facilitate development adaptions to meet anticipated market demands and/or better utilize sites with challenging features such as existing site improvements or sites that lack depth and area or have other unusual characteristics; and,
Establish two different tiers of development standards that support the overall purposes of the Northfield Road Commercial District. NRC-Tier 1-Base Level is intended to mitigate nonconforming conditions on current sites to encourage intensification and renovation on existing built sites. The intent for NRC-Tier 2-Revitalization Level is to incentivize redevelopment to make Northfield Road a more welcoming and aesthetically pleasing entrance to Bedford Heights by prescribing building placement and scale, eliminating front yard parking, moving buildings closer to the street, and restricting parking to the sides and backs of buildings.
The Northfield Road Commercial District and the regulation thereof seeks to achieve the following
additional purposes:
(a) To improve the built environment along Northfield Road by improving site design, building facades, and site maintenance.
(b) To protect and promote appropriately located commercial and office activities in order to preserve and strengthen the City’s economic base.
(c) To provide appropriate and convenient locations, zoning districts of sufficient size for the exchange of goods and services and other business activities.
(d) To accommodate a diverse range of retail, service, and office uses that serve the general community.
(e) To protect adjacent residential neighborhoods by regulating the types and spacing of business uses, particularly at the common boundaries, which would create hazards, noise, odors, or other objectionable influences.
(Ord. 2023-029. Passed 4-18-23.)