Land and buildings shall be used only in accordance with the area regulations and buildings shall be erected, altered, moved and maintained only in accordance with the area, yard and building height regulations set forth in the following schedule.
   (a)   Any development in an SR Senior Residence District shall have a minimum lot of three (3) acres and a maximum of thirty (30) dwelling units per acre.
   (b)   Buildings constructed in an SR Senior Residence District shall not exceed two (2) stories or thirty-five (35) feet , whichever is less. Mechanical space for building equipment placed on the roof of an apartment building may be allowed above the maximum height specified, provided that such mechanical space is set back a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from any exterior wall, does not exceed eight (8) feet in height and is adequately screened from view, provided further that such mechanical space and screening are approved by the Architectural Board.
   (c)   Buildings fronting in major arterial, collector and local collector streets shall have a setback of fifty (50) feet. Buildings fronting on local streets shall have a setback of thirty-five (35) feet. Building setback shall be measured from the street right-of-way for dedicated streets or from the nearest edge of pavement of private drives.
   (d)   Any development shall front on a public street or have a dedicated access drive of a minimum width of thirty (30) feet from a public street.
   (e)   The Planning Commission may vary such setback distance if it determines that the intent of this chapter will be adequately met.
      (Ord. 2007-075. Passed 5-21-07.)