In the Town Center Overlay District, the Zoning Inspector shall review and consider final development plans as prescribed in this Section.
(a)    The Zoning Inspector shall review the development plan according to the criteria in Section 1131.12.
(b)    Following such review of a final development plan, the Zoning Inspector shall:
(1)    Approve the final development plan as submitted; or
(2)    Submit the final development plan for review by the Planning Commission pursuant to this Chapter.
(c)    If the Zoning Inspector approves the final development plan:
(1)    The City shall promptly furnish the applicant with its decision on the final development plan; and,
(2)    The Zoning Permits and Certificates shall be issued pursuant to sub-section 1131.08 (g).
         (Ord. 2023-029. Passed 4-18-23.)