The districts established in Section 1125.01 are hereby designated as follows:
Residence Districts
   R-S Residential Suburban District.
   R-1A Residential District.
   R-1 One-Family Low Density Residence District.
   R-2 One-Family Medium Density Residence District.
   R-3 Multifamily Residence District.
   R-4 Town House Residence District.
   SR Senior Residence District.
Non-Residence Districts
   GB General Business District
   NRC Northfield Road Commercial District
   I Industrial District.
   LIO Light Industrial/Office District
   TP Trailer Park District.
   SC-1 Shopping Center District.
Other Districts
   TCOD Town Center Overlay District
   The above districts are also intended to be use districts and several uses or districts may be combined in the same geographical area as hereinafter designated or as hereafter may be determined by proper and lawful legislation.
(Ord. 2023-029. Passed 4-18-23.)