The Building Official shall issue a permit or renew a permit for the operation of an adult day care center, upon approval by the Planning Commission, if he or she finds, after investigation of the applicant and inspection of the center, that the following requirements are met:
   (a)   The buildings in which the center is housed have been approved by the Building Official for the purpose of operating an adult day care center. Any structure used for the operation of a center shall be constructed, equipped, repaired, altered and maintained in accordance with applicable provisions of the Ohio Building Code, city ordinances and with regulations adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards under Ohio R.C. Chapter 3781 for the safety and sanitation of:
      (1)   Structures erected for this purpose;
      (2)   Existing structures used for this purpose.
       Existing structures used as adult day care centers are included in the meaning of "building" under Ohio R.C. 3781.06 and shall comply with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Ohio Board of Building Standards for existing centers in Chapter BB-303.
   (b)   The Fire Chief or Fire Safety Officer has inspected the center within the preceding year and has found the center to be free from conditions dangerous to the safety of adults. Each center shall have a practical plan approved by the Fire Chief or Fire Safety Office for evacuation of the building in an emergency in the shortest possible time without confusion, and all employees shall be familiar with such plan. The written evacuation plan shall be posted as required by the Fire Chief of Fire Safety Officer.
      (Ord. 2019-007. Passed 3-19-19.)