Ord. No.    Date    Description
1951-38    11-9-51    Property beginning at Corbin Dr. and N. Miles Rd. from Industrial and Manufacturing to Residential "B" District.
1952-28    6-17-52    Property near Perkins Rd. and Erie R.R. to Industrial District.
1953-22    5-19-53    Land at intersection of Aurora Rd. and line of J. C. and M. E. Kline's property to Industrial District.
1954-35    7-6-54    Property off Aurora Rd. and westerly line of R. Foster's property to Residential "B" District.
1953-54    10-6-53    2 parcels: 1) Off Cannon Rd. to Business District. 2) Off easterly Village line, Residential "B" District to Industrial District.
1955-29    4-19-55    Land off intersection of Aurora Rd. and Perkins Rd. to Business District.
1955-7    9-6-55    Property at corner of Northfield Rd. and Libby Rd. to District 3 or Business District.
1955-68    11-1-55    Property at corner of Erie St. and Aurora Rd. to Business District.
1955-74A 11-1-55    Certain property on North Miles Rd. to Industrial District, Amends 1951-13.
1955-78    12-6-55    Property between Cannon Rd. and Aurora Rd. to Industrial or District 4.
1956-40    6-19-56    Section Four - Land on South Side of Aurora Rd. near Bartlett Rd. from Residential "B" to Multi-Family Residential Use.
      Section Five - Land at intersection of Aurora and Bartlett Rds. from Residential "B" to Business Use.
1956-68    9-4-56    Property on East side of Perkins Rd. adjoining Geisler property from Residential "A" to Residential "B".
1957-8    3-5-57    South side of Aurora Rd. from Perkins Rd. to Omega Ave. from Residential "B" to Business District.
1957-10    3-5-57    Westerly 125 acres of Laing property North of Solon Rd. from Residential "A" to "Research, Development, Engineering and Industrial Area".
58-12    1-21-58    Property north of Aurora and Cannon Roads to Business and Industrial District uses.
58-33    4-24-58    Property on north side of Libby Road east of Northfield Road to Business and Multi-Family Residence District uses.
58-67    9-16-58    Laing property and other land north of Solon Road to Single Family Residential and Business and Industrial District uses.
62-75    7-31-62    Parcels 792-13-1, 792-13-2, 792-14-1, parts of 792-19-1 to 792-19-5 from Residence Class 1A and 1B to Residence Class 1E.
67-12    4-4-67    Part of Darden Builders Inc. Heather Hill Subdivision No.2 to Class IE- A Single-Family Residence District.
1968-66   8-17-68    Part of Original Bedford Twp. Lot 17, from Class 3 Local Retail District to Class 1A Residential District.
68-92   3-4-69   Part of Original Bedford Twp. Lot 7, from Class 2 Multiple-Family or Apartment House District and Class 3 Local Retail District to a Class 2A Townhouse District.
68-93   10-15-68   Part of Original Bedford Twp. Lot 17, from a Class 1A Residential District to a Class 2A Townhouse District.
70-116   12-1-70   Part of Original Bedford Twp. Lot 17, from a Class 2A Town House District to a Class 3 Local Retail District.
70-117   1-19-71   Part of Original Bedford Twp. Lot 30, from a Class 1B Single-Family Residential District to a Class 4 Commercial District.
77-22   3-15-77   0.5901 acre on Perkins Rd. from SW side of Aurora Rd., extending to NE side of Old Perkins Rd.
77-23   3-15-77   Approx. 0.40 acre on Perkins Rd., adjacent to Perkins Plaza from R-1 One- Family Low Density Residence to B-1 Local Retail District.
77-20   6-21-77   Certain property from INDUSTRIAL “I” District to “R-2" One-Family Residential District.
77-21   6-21-77   Certain property from LOCAL RETAIL “B-1" District to “R-2" One- Family Residential District.
82-140   10-5-82   Property along Solon Rd. owned by the Testa Development Group from “R-4" Townhouse Residential to “L-1" Light Industrial District.
83-23   5-3-83   Land owned by Julius Szabo from “B-2" Community Business District to “T-P” Trailer Park District.
84-212   2-5-85   Land owned by J.O. Stone Enterprises from “R-3" Multi-Family Residence District to “B-3" Road Side Service District.
85-127   11-5-85   Real estate known as permanent parcel No. 791-23-2 from R-1 to B-2.
8-158   1-7-86   5285, 5287, 5291 and 5297 Northfield Rd., from B-2 to B-3.
88-114   7-19-88   Property owned by Frank Miko on Aurora Road from R-3 to B-1.
89-29   4-18-89   Property owned by Heather Hill Trust on Aurora Road from R-1 to B-2.
90-64   6-19-90   Certain parcels of property from an O-Office to B-3 Roadside Service District.
90-125   11-6-90   A certain parcel of land owned by BP Oil on Rockside Road from R-3 to B-3.
91-78   7-2-91   Certain parcels of property from I-1 Industrial to B-1 Local Retail.
92-213   1-5-93   Certain parcels of property near Libby Road from O-Office to R-3 Multifamily Residence District.
92-213   1-5-93   Certain parcels of property near Libby Road from O Office to R-3 Multifamily Residence District.
95-301   1-2-96   Certain parcels of property at the intersection of Miles Road and Richmond Road from I-1 Industrial to B-3 Road-Side Service District.
96-077   8-20-96   Certain property at the intersection of Forbes Road and the corporation line from R-2 to R-1-A.
96-141   10-1-96   Certain property fronting on the north side of Libby Road and the corporation line from R-4 to R-3.
96-142   10-1-96   Certain property at the intersection of Bartlett and Libby Road from R-4 to R-1.
97-031   4-15-97   Certain property on Meuti Drive, Norton Road and Lois Road from O to R-1.
98-117   9-15-98   Certain real estate on the east side of Northfield Road from R-4 to R-3.
98-140   11-3-98   25280-25380 Miles Road from I to B-2.
99-042   4-20-99   Certain property on Miles Road adjacent to I-271 from I and TP to SC.
99-089   1-18-00   Certain property on the southwest corner of Libby and Mardale Roads from R-1 and R-3 to R-4.
99-145   10-5-99   24700 Miles Road from I to SC.
01-057   6-19-01   Certain property on the north side of Solon Road from R-1 to L- 1.
02-037   4-16-02   26000-26050 Cannon Road from B-2 to I.
03-072   6-3-03   A 5.1145 acre parcel at the Holy Trinity Church property on Perkins Road from R-1 to SR.
07-036   5-21-07   2.4821 Columbus Road from R-1 to SR.
07-218   1-2-08   26001 Aurora Road from B-2 to I.
10-073   7-20-10   Property located immediately adjacent and east of 23233 Aurora Road from a B-1 Local Retail District to a B-3 Road Side Service District.
11-136   10-18-11   5700 Perkins Road from R-1 One-Family Low Density Residence District to a SR Senior Residence District.
12-086      6-15-12   24700 Miles Road from SC-1 Shopping Center District to I Industrial District.
13-139      1-7-14      25955 Aurora Road from B-2 Community Business to I Industrial District.
19-022      5-21-19   5020 Richmond Road, 5040 Richmond Road and 5060 Richmond Road as well as all properties west of the intersection of Miles Road and Richmond Road to the eastern property line of the property known as 25000 Miles Road, from an “I Industrial Use District” to a “B-2 Community Business District”.
2020-066   10-20-20   24200 Aurora Road from B-2 Community Business District to I Industrial District.