   A book shall be kept of all uses and rentals, showing the date when the application for use and rental of the Municipal Building is made, the days upon which the premises are to be used, the name of the applicant therefor and the purpose for which the premises are to be used.
(Ord. 2007-257. Passed 12-18-07.)
   The following rules and regulations shall govern the use and rental of the Municipal Building:
   (a)   Any devices, such as electrical, plumbing or otherwise, brought on or added by the organization or persons using the Municipal Building, may be added or connected only with permission of the Director of Public Service.
   (b)   All interior furnishings or equipment shall be kept inside the Municipal Building and used only for the purpose intended.
   (c)   No decorations, furniture or special equipment by the resident, non-resident, business or organization using the Municipal Building will be permitted in or about the premises unless approved by the Director of Public Service. The renter will be responsible for all decorations, furniture or special equipment brought into the Municipal Building and will hold the City harmless from all liability, injuries or damages related to its use.
   (d)   The kitchen, if used, and all papers, garbage or rubbish shall be neatly cleaned up and put in containers provided. All furniture or special equipment furnished by the resident, non-resident, business or organization using the building shall be removed on the same date that the Municipal Building is used by such resident, non-resident, business or organization.
   (e)   Alcoholic beverages shall be permitted or consumed in the Municipal Building by any person or organization using the same pursuant to this chapter only having first made arrangements for one or more off-duty Bedford Heights police officer and making necessary arrangements for the payment of the same. No alcohol can be sold on the Municipal Building premises.
   (f)   All teen activities at the Municipal Building must be chaperoned with adult supervision and will require security as stated in subsection (g) hereof regardless of the number of teens attending. All teen events in the Municipal Building shall require the presence of two (2) police officers and shall end no later than 9:30 p.m.
   (g)   All permits granted for teen activities; for any other parties or activities for more than seventy-five persons; or for parties or activities at which alcoholic beverages are permitted at the Municipal Building shall require the presence of an off-duty Bedford Heights police officer during the activity or party and at least one-half hour before and one-half hour after said activity or party. The fee of the off-duty Bedford Heights police officer shall be $25.00 per hour for Bedford Heights residents and $30.00 per hour for Bedford, Oakwood and Walton Hills residents. Said fee must be paid in cash directly to a representative of the Police Department 30 days prior to the rental date of the contracted event by the resident, non-resident, business, or organization applying for the permit.
   (h)   Any permit issued will be governed by the Rental Agreement and the current set of rules established by Council and posted at the Municipal Building.
   (i)   Rowdyism, disorderly conduct, gambling and malicious destruction of the property in or about the Municipal Building are hereby prohibited.
   (j)   Violation of any of the rules and regulations pertaining to the use of the Municipal Building shall be sufficient cause to refuse the issuance of future permits to the resident, non-resident, business, or organization guilty of such violation.
   (k)   All persons using the Municipal Building shall leave the premises at the hours established by the Mayor.
   (l)   No individual candidate or organization on behalf of a candidate or candidates for political office shall use the Municipal Building for the purpose of raising funds for support of such candidates by the pre-sale of tickets or otherwise.
   (m)   Commercial business uses of the Municipal Building shall not be permitted, provided that activities of civic groups such as the Senior Citizens and similar organizations resulting in the sale of handcrafted and boutique items may be permitted upon prior application to and approval by the Mayor. No other products can be sold for profit on the premises of the Municipal Building.
   (n)   No tickets can be sold nor money exchanged on the premises of the Municipal Building.
      (Ord. 2012-21. Passed 2-7-12.)