(a)   No person who finds in any portion of the City, whether on the streets, public properties or places or private property thereof, the dead body of any animal not killed for use in connection with any lawful purpose, shall fail to contact the Animal Warden to arrange for disposal of such body.
   (b)   Whenever any such dead animal body is found upon any private property within the City, no owner of such property shall, upon receiving knowledge thereof fail to contact the Animal Warden to arrange for disposal of such body.
   (c)   Whenever it is possible to identify the owner of the animal whose dead body is so found in any portion of the City, notification of such fact shall be given to such owner, if such owner is a resident of the City.
   (d)   When it is impossible to locate and notify such owner, when such owner is not a resident of the City and in any and all other cases when it is the opinion of the Animal Warden that immediate disposal of the body is necessary, the Animal Warden is hereby authorized and directed to make suitable arrangements for the burial or disposal of such body at a cost to the Municipality of not more than two dollars ($2.00).
(Ord. 2007-116. Passed 5-21-07.)