(a)   During any period of emergency resulting from a shortage of water within the city, no person shall use any water from the public water system in the city for the purpose of sprinkling lawns or any other similar type of sprinkling or land irrigation, except between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. During such periods and except between such hours, no person shall draw or cause to be drawn any water from such public water system for the purpose of sale to any other person or for any purpose other than the necessary use or consumption by the consumer upon his own property and for use by himself or members of his immediate family.
   (b)   Such period of emergency shall be established by proclamation of the Mayor and shall be considered to exist during any period when the use of water for sprinkling purposes has been prohibited by order from the Mayor to the city or during any period that has been so proclaimed by the Mayor. Such proclamation shall become effective by the posting thereof on the official bulletin board in the City Hall and appropriate signage within the city. A notice of such proclamation may also be printed in the next available edition of the newspaper used by the city for the purpose of publication of legal notices of the City.
(Ord. 2004-206. Passed 12-21-04.)