No dwelling unit may be occupied by a number of occupants which exceeds the standards set forth in this Chapter except:
   (a)   Occupants who occupy a dwelling unit on the effective date of this section may do so in violation of this Chapter without penalty for a period of twelve (12) months beginning with the effective date of this Chapter, or until the expiration of a written lease (excluding extensions, options or renewals), whichever period is longer; and
   (b)   Occupants who are otherwise in compliance with this Chapter, and who become in violation of this Chapter because of the addition of a new family member, may remain in violation without penalty for a period of six (6) months from the date of addition of the new family member, or until the expiration of a written lease (excluding extensions, options or renewals), whichever period is longer.
      (Ord. 02-136. Passed 11-19-02.)