   1327.02 APPLICATION.
   Any person, firm or corporation seeking issuance of a permit hereunder shall first file an application for the same with the Building Commissioner who shall, upon the receipt of an application, conduct an investigation. If he finds compliance with this chapter, he shall issue such a permit within seven days thereafter.
   The application shall be made upon such forms as provided for by the Building Commissioner, shall be filed in the office of the Building Commissioner and shall contain the following information:
   (a)    A description of the building proposed to be moved, giving street number, construction materials, exterior dimensions, number of rooms, condition of the exterior and interior and sufficient structural information so that the Building Commissioner may determine that the building, when moved, will comply with this Building Code;
   (b)    A description of the lot from which the building is to be moved, if located in the City, and a description of the lot to which it is proposed to be moved, if located within the City;
   (c)    A plat plan showing the proposed location of the building, when moved, if the building is to be moved to a lot within the City;
   (d)    The highways, streets and alleys over, along or across which the building is proposed to be moved;
   (e)    The proposed moving date and hours, including the length of time estimated in the moving;
   (f)    Photographs of all four elevations of the building;
   (g)    Any additional information which the Building Commissioner shall find necessary for a thorough inspection of the building and a fair determination of whether or not a permit should be issued.
   (h)    If the building is to be moved within the City, the names and addresses of the property owners on both sides of the street for the block upon which the building is to be moved.
      (Ord. 68-89. Passed 8-17-68.)
   (a)    Inspection Period. The Building Commissioner shall inspect the building and the applicant's equipment to determine whether or not the standards for issuance of a permit are met.
   (b)    Standards for Issuance. The Building Commissioner shall issue a permit for the moving of such building if he finds upon inspection that all of the following requirements are met:
      (1)    The requirements of this Building Code and of the Zoning Code will be met by such building in its proposed new location;
      (2)    The application requirements and the fee or deposit requirements have been complied with;
      (3)    The building is of such physical dimensions and of such condition as to permit its movement without endangering persons or property in the City;
      (4)    The building is not in such a state of deterioration or disrepair or otherwise structurally unsafe so as to endanger persons and property in the City if it were moved;
      (5)    If the removal location is in the City, the building shall be structurally safe and fit for the purpose of its intended use upon the new location;
      vi.   The applicant's equipment shall be safe and the use of the same shall not endanger persons or property;
      (7)    If the removal location is in the City, sixty percent of the property owners on both sides of the block on the street where the new location exists shall have given their written consent to the moving of the building to such location;
      (8)    There exists no other reason which might endanger persons or property in the City by the moving of the building.
         (Ord. 68-89. Passed 8-17-68.)
   The Building Commissioner shall procure from the applicant a list of the designated streets over which the building is to be moved. The Commissioner shall have such list approved by the Police Chief and the Fire Chief and shall reproduce the list upon the permit in writing. In making their determination the various departments shall act to assure maximum safety to persons and property in the City and to minimize congestion and traffic hazards on public streets. Upon approval of the designated streets and the time of moving, no deviation from such moving route shall be taken except upon consent of the Building Commissioner, the Police Chief and the Fire Chief. No building shall be left standing on the improved or unimproved portion of any street overnight or for more than two hours during the daytime unless an extension is granted by the Director of Public Safety upon concurrence of the Police Chief and the Fire Chief. The Director of Public Safety shall not grant such an extension except in the case of extreme urgency.
(Ord. 68-89. Passed 8-17-68.)