A permit shall be required for all permanent and temporary signs as follows:
   (a)   Districts. In residential districts, if the sign exceeds four square feet in total area; in all other districts, if the sign exceeds twelve square feet in total area or in an industrial district if the sign is a billboard sign regardless of size; for temporary signs, all signs regardless of size.
   (b)   Form and Content. Applications for permits to erect, place, paint or alter a sign shall be made by the owner or lessee of the property upon which a sign is proposed and submitted on forms furnished by the Building Division. The applications shall be made separately from any other permit for building. The fee shall be established by separate ordinance. Each application shall be accompanied by drawings to scale showing the design and layout proposed, including the total area of the sign and the size, character and color of letters, lines and symbols, and showing the method of illumination, if any, and the exact location of the sign in relation to the building and property. Unless regulated otherwise in the Traffic Code, signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct traffic control light, signs at street intersections, sight lines within street lines or signals at railroad grade crossings.
      (Ord. 2005-141. Passed 10-18-05.)