Any principal use permitted and as regulated in the B-2 Community Business District, except as hereinafter modified, and the following, shall be permitted:
   (a)   Retail and Service. Laundries, clothes cleaning and dyeing establishments, but specifically prohibiting roadside stands and secondhand and used-merchandise stores. (Ord. 99-080. Passed 6-1-99.)
   (b)   Wholesale Establishments. Any wholesale business, including commercial greenhouses, but specifically prohibiting storage and warehousing operations, other than that customarily accessory and incidental to any of the permitted or conditional uses.
   (c)   Funeral Homes and Mortuaries. Subject to approval of the Planning Commission.
   (d)   Eating and Drinking Establishments. Drive-in eating and drinking places, summer gardens and roadhouses, provided the principal building is distant not less than 200 feet from any residential district.
   (e)   Automobile Filling Stations and Automobile Service Stations. Subject to the provisions of Chapter 1171. (Ord. 72-13. Passed 7-11-72.)
   (f)   Car Wash Establishments. Car wash establishments, provided that none of these are within fifty feet from any residential district.
      (Ord. 85-7. Passed 3-5-85.)
   (g)    Entertainment. Drive-in theaters, provided the screen is so located as not to be visible from adjacent streets or highways and provided such screen is set back not less than 200 feet from the established right-of-way line of any such street or highway.
   (h)    Commercial Recreation. Any type of commercial recreation, including baseball fields, swimming pools, skating rinks, golf driving ranges and similar open air facilities, livery stables or riding academies, amusement parks or similar recreational uses, provided such establishments are distant at least 200 feet from any residential district.
   (i)    Building and Related Trades. Carpenter, electrical, plumbing, paint, heating, paper hanging and furniture upholstering shops and similar enterprises, but not within 100 feet from any residential district.
   (j)    Laboratories. Research, experimental and testing.
   (k)    Printing and Related Trades. Publishing, job printing, lithographing, blueprinting, etc., but not within 100 feet of any residential district.
   (l)    Miscellaneous Trades and Businesses. Sheet metal shops, sign painting shops and wholesale bakeries, but not within 200 feet of any residential district.
   (m)    Other Uses. Any other use which is determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals to be of the same general character as the above permitted uses, but not including any use which is first permitted in the I Industrial District, and expressly prohibiting heliports, billboards and commercial advertising signs and truck terminals. (Ord. 72-13. Passed 7-11-72.)