(a)    Pursuant to the provisions of the 40 C.F.R. 35, 929-2, published September 27, 1978, the user charges shall be reviewed annually to accomplish the following purposes:
      (1)    To maintain the proportionate distribution of operation and maintenance costs among users and user classes;
      (2)    To generate sufficient revenue to pay the total operation, maintenance and replacement, of the Treatment Works; and
      (3)    To apply excess revenues collected from a class of users to the costs of operation and maintenance attributable to that class for the next year and adjust the rates accordingly.
         (Ord. 84-150. Passed 7-3-84.)
   (b)    Such review shall be done by the Approving Authority and Finance Director using generally accepted accounting principles. Following such annual review, a written report shall be prepared and submitted to Council. The annual date for review shall be June 1 of each year. If rates are to be adjusted, they shall be effective after each review on the first day of January in the year immediately proceeding. As part of the review process, the written report shall be submitted to Council containing the basis upon which the Approving Authority and Finance Director recommend adjustment of the rates established by this chapter and shall further contain the recommendation of the Finance Director and Approving Authority concerning increase or decrease in the rates.
   (c)    This annual review shall be further documented by the annual report of the Finance Director and Approving Authority being placed into the minutes of Council at a regularly scheduled meeting. Council shall thereafter review such recommendations and appropriate legislation to adjust the user charges.
   (d)    It shall be the policy of the City to pay the capital costs, consisting of principal and interest on indebtedness to construct the Wastewater Treatment Plant through general tax revenue moneys until such time as such payments become economically unfeasible. The feasibility of the payments shall be determined by the Finance Director.
   (e)    Following the annual review, in conjunction with a regular bill, each user shall be notified of the rate adjustments and that portion of the sewer service charge which is attributable to operation, maintenance and replacement costs of wastewater treatment services.
(Ord. 81-84. Passed 9-1-81.)