(a)    No owner or person having the charge or management of any unimproved or vacant lot or parcel of land abutting upon a public way, sidewalk or street within the City shall fail to provide each such lot or parcel with proper drainage, seeding or grading so that damage or injury to the public way, street or sidewalk will not occur and so that erosion of soil or undermining of public ways, streets or sidewalks will not occur.
   (b)    Whenever the Director of Public Safety reports to Council that a public way, street or sidewalk is in danger of injury or damage due to the excess run-off of surface waters caused by a lack of proper drainage, seeding or grading, Council shall direct the Municipal Engineer to study the situation and report back with a recommendation of steps to be taken to correct the same. Council, through its Clerk, shall thereupon notify the owner or person having the charge or management of such property of the violation and order that, within ten days from the date of such notice, he take necessary steps to remedy such situation, which steps shall comply with the recommendations of the Engineer. The notice required herein shall be in writing and shall be mailed by registered letter, postage prepaid, to the address of the owner or person having the charge or management of such property. If the address of such owner is unknown, it shall be sufficient to publish notice once in a newspaper of general circulation in the County.
   (c)    In the event that the Director advises Council that the owner or person having the charge and management of such property has failed to take the necessary steps as set forth in the notice to him within ten days from the date of the notice, Council shall cause such steps, as recommended by the Engineer, to be taken and the necessary work completed.
   (d)    Whenever any grading, seeding or drainage work is done by the City pursuant to this section, upon the completion of the same the Clerk of Council shall notify the owner or person charged with the care or management of such property of the cost of such work and advise him that he has five days from the date of such notice to pay the full amount of the costs to the City. In the event the costs remain unpaid for a period of thirty days after the mailing or publication of such notice, such amount shall be certified to the County Auditor for collection the same as other taxes and assessments are collected. The remedy provided for herein shall be in addition to the penalty provided in subsection (e) hereof.
(Ord. 69-89. Passed 10-7-69.)
   (e)    Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues and for each repeated violation.