(a) Overtime provisions for the personnel of the Division of Police covered by a contractual agreement between the City and the regular full-time policemen shall be as stated therein. All other regular full-time members of the Division of Police up to and including the positions of Lieutenant and Sergeant, but excluding the position of Chief who shall be exempt from receiving overtime compensation, shall be compensated for overtime hours worked. Hours worked in excess of eight hours in any work day or forty hours in a work week shall be classified as overtime and will be paid for in addition to their regular full-time pay received for a regular work week of forty hours, at the rate of one and one-half times their regular hourly rate; provided, however, no employee will be paid overtime on both the daily and weekly basis for the same hours worked. Such hourly rate shall be determined by dividing the yearly salary rate of the officer by 2080. Any overtime worked by any officer shall be approved in advance by the Chief of Police or, in the event he or she is unavailable, the officer in charge of the shift at which the officer is requested to work overtime.
(b) Overtime provisions for the personnel in the Division of Fire up to and including the position of Captain, excluding the positions of Chief and Assistant Chief, shall be as contained in the contractual agreement between the City and the fire fighters. The Chief and the Assistant Chief of the Division of Fire shall be exempt from receiving overtime compensation.
(c) “Overtime compensation” means payment at the rate of one and one-half times the hourly rate for wages for personnel other than salaried personnel. Except in the Divisions of Police and Fire as stated at subsections (a) and (b) above, no overtime compensation shall be paid to any salaried employee. Unless otherwise specifically provided, hours worked in excess of eight hours in any work day or in excess of forty hours in a work week by full-time employees and permanent part-time employees shall be classified as overtime and will be paid for at the rate of one and one-half times the regular hourly rate of pay; provided, however, no employee will be paid overtime on both the daily and weekly basis for the same hours worked. Seasonal, temporary, intermittent and per diem/hourly employees shall be entitled to overtime compensation only for any time worked in excess of forty hours in a work week. Sick leave shall not be counted as hours worked in determining overtime liability.
(d) There shall be no duplication or pyramiding of overtime or premium compensation. Hours paid for at overtime rate under any provision of this chapter shall not be counted for any purpose in determining overtime liability under the same, or any other provision of this chapter or any other section of the Codified Ordinances or the pay ordinance of the City.
(e) For purposes of this subsection, “call-in pay” means payment at the regular hourly rate for the rate paid at the time any employee is called in to work by his supervisor or department head at any time when such employee is not regularly scheduled for work. Personnel in the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Service Department shall be entitled to receive call-in pay for a minimum period of two hours at any time they are called in to work by their supervisor or department head and in fact work less than two hours, except that when an employee is called in for snow removal or sewer repair work he shall receive a minimum of three hours call-in pay if he works less than three hours after being called in to work. When determining overtime compensation for call-in pay, overtime shall be paid on the basis of hours actually worked in excess of eight hours in a work day or after working forty hours in the work week and not on the basis of hours paid.
(Ord. 2004-180. Passed 12-7-04.)