(A)   Any police officer, constable, truant officer, or special officer duly appointed by the Borough Council or Mayor is hereby authorized and empowered to take into custody any minor in prima facie violation of the this chapter. In the absence of convincing evidence of age, such officer shall use his or her best judgment in determining the age of the minor.
   (B)   Such officer shall notify a parent of the minor that the minor has been taken into custody. The officer, in his or her discretion, may deliver to a parent thereof a minor whose identity and address may be readily ascertained or are known; take the minor to the borough police station and advise a parent to come and take charge of the minor; release the minor to the juvenile authorities; or make other appropriate arrangements to return the minor to a parent.
(Prior Code, Ch. 6, Pt. 1, § 107) (Ord. 2-86, passed 7-7-1986)