(A)   All RFP proceedings shall include a minimum restriction of one year on the:
      (1)   Participation by a former employee of a contractor or potential contractor in the review of a proposal or negotiation of a contract with that contractor; and
      (2)   Participation by a former employee of the municipality in the submission of a proposal or the performance of a contract.
   (B)   Additionally, all RFP proceedings shall include disqualification for:
      (1)   Any individual or entity that currently holds a professional services contract, which responds to, applies for, or otherwise solicits, a professional services contract, that has conveyed a gift having more than a nominal value to any municipal official or employee of this municipality since December 17, 2009; or
      (2)   Any individual or entity that currently holds a professional services contract, which responds to, applies for, or otherwise solicits, a political services contract, that has made a political contribution to any parties, candidates, or current office holders of or for this municipality since December 17, 2009.
   (C)   Furthermore, all RFP proceedings shall include the following:
      (1)   A person or an affiliated entity that enters into a professional services contract with a municipal pension system may not have a direct financial, commercial, or business relationship with any official of the municipal pension system or the municipality which controls the municipal pension system unless the municipal pension system consents in writing to the relationship following full disclosure; and
      (2)   If a person that enters into, or has applied for, submitted an offer or bid for, responded to a RFP on, or otherwise solicited a contract with a municipal pension system or an officer, director, or employee of a municipal pension system is aware, or reasonably should be aware, of an apparent, potential, or actual conflict of interest, the person shall disclose the conflict and promptly eliminate the conflict.
(Res. 01-2016, passed 3-7-2016)