§ 114.03 REVIEW.
   (A)   The evaluation process will involve several steps. The municipality will evaluate the initial responses to the RFP. The municipality will determine a list of finalists, interview finalists if desired, and make a final decision.
   (B)   The criteria to be used in the evaluation process may differ depending on the type of professional services requested, but all will include the following:
      (1)   The applicant’s qualifications, experience, and expertise related to state municipal pension systems;
      (2)   The applicant’s knowledge of Act 205 and other state municipal pension legislation;
      (3)   The applicant’s approach to managing risk and research capabilities;
      (4)   The quoted fee(s) associated with the desired services(s) sought;
      (5)   The applicant’s availability to meet with the municipal pension system’s representatives for periodic reviews;
      (6)   The recommendations by other municipal pension system’s representatives for periodic reviews; and
      (7)   The ultimate confidence of the municipality as represented by the vote to accept the applicant in contract.
(Res. 01-2016, passed 3-7-2016)