(A)   The owner of an external fuel burning device which is grandfathered pursuant to § 91.17 shall obtain a permit for the device from the Borough Office within 60 days after the effective date of this subchapter.
   (B)   The permit shall allow continued use of the external fuel burning devices subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   It shall be used in a manner that complies with all manufacturer’s specifications;
      (2)   It shall not be used to burn green, wet, decaying, treated, or painted wood; manure; leaves; rubbish; garbage; plastic; rubber; or any material not recommended for burning by the manufacturer of the external fuel burning device;
      (3)   Firewood or other sources of fuel recommended by the manufacturer of the external fuel burning device, which are being stockpiled for the purpose of being burned in the external fuel burning device, shall be neatly stacked and stored under a waterproof cover;
      (4)   It shall be used in a manner so as to assure that smoke, fumes, or odors are not dispensed to other properties or public streets;
      (5)   It shall not be moved without written approval from the borough unless it is being permanently removed from the borough;
      (6)   It shall be cleaned and maintained to assure that it is in proper operating condition. In the event the device is damaged more than 50% or it is physically deteriorated or decayed, it must be torn down and removed from the property;
      (7)   Ashes and waste shall be disposed of promptly, in a lawful manner, and shall not be permitted to accumulate on the property;
      (8)   It shall only be utilized for the sole purpose of furnishing heat and/or hot water to a structure during the period October 1 through April 30 and shall not be operated for any reason any other time of the year; and
      (9)   Acceptance of a permit shall be deemed consent by the property owner for any authorized officer, agent, or representative of the borough to enter the property for the purpose of inspecting the external fuel burning device to assure compliance with the terms of the permit.
(Ord. 2009-3, passed 9-1-2009)