Duly authorized employees or representatives of the thorough and the Authority shall have the right to enter on the premises of any person, firm, corporation, or other entity connected to the system for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, testing, inspection of connections or fixtures, or for a disconnection of service for enforcement of these Rules and Regulations, and for other such purposes for the protection of public health and property and the effective, orderly operation of the sanitary sewer system. Borough and Authority employees or representatives shall bear proper credentials and identification and display the same when requested. By virtue of being connected to and receiving service from the sanitary sewer system, each person, firm, corporation, or other entity receiving said services acknowledges and authorizes borough and Authority employees or representatives to enter upon his, her, or its premises for the aforesaid purposes, including closed circuit televising (CCTV) of all buried and under slab piping of the premises and any type of testing, including air pressure, water pressure, and smoke testing.
(Ord. 2022-03, passed 3-7-2022)