(A)   Any person selling or otherwise transferring real estate located within the borough (hereinafter “the applicant”) shall make application for a certificate of sewage compliance, on a form furnished by the borough at least ten days before the date of sale or transfer. The application fee shall be established from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council.
   (B)   The applicant shall, as prescribed within the Rules and Regulations, then have a plumber perform an air pressure test of the sewer lateral on the property to be sold. The plumber shall notify the Authority at least 72 hours before the test is made so that the Authority may witness the test. The Authority shall have the right to approve the test as performed and/or to require that additional tests be made. The Authority shall also have the right to rely on the results of any internal televising of the sewer lateral completed by the Authority. In the event that there are no illegal storm or surface water connections and the sewer lateral is deemed to be in compliance with these Rules and Regulations, the Authority shall issue a certificate of sewage compliance upon the payment of any established fee. When an illegal storm water or surface water connection or malfunctioning drainage system is discovered by the means of the above-mentioned testing, no certificate of sewage compliance will be issued until the illegal connections/malfunctioning drainage system are removed or repaired, and/or the entire sewer lateral is replaced from the foundation wall to the property line. The system must be retested. The borough must inspect all work performed and witness all tests. Failure to have the borough inspect the work may result in the borough requiring the uncovering of any pipe or other structure to view the repair, at the cost of the property owner.
   (C)   A certificate of sewage compliance shall expire ten years following the date of issuance of the certificate of sewage compliance. If any additions are made to the property within the ten-year period, certification for said addition shall be required. If a sale has not occurred within ten years of the last certification, re-testing and re-certification shall be required to maintain compliance.
(Ord. 2022-03, passed 3-7-2022) Penalty, see § 52.99