For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BUILDING. Each single-family dwelling unit, multiple dwelling unit, multiple use unit, store, shop, office, business, institutional, commercial, or industrial unit contained within any structure, erected and intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy, or use by humans or animals, from which wastewater may be discharged.
BUILDING DRAIN. The lowest horizontal piping of a building s drainage system which receives the discharge from other drainage pipes inside the walls of a building and conveys it to the sewer lateral at a point at the building wall.
CERTIFICATE OF SEWAGE COMPLIANCE. An official statement from the Borough Manager of the borough or his or her designate stating that there are no know illegal storm water or surface water connections into the sanitary sewer connections on the specific property which is being sold, and that the customer facilities have successfully passed an air pressure test. A CERTIFICATE OF SEWAGE COMPLIANCE shall remain in effect for a period of ten years.
CONNECTION STUB. The show section of pipe, including the tapping tee or saddle, between the sewer main collection line and the customer’s viewport. In most cases, the CONNECTION STUB will terminate at the customer’s viewport situated at the customer’s property line. In some cases, due to distance from the sewer main, the CONNECTION STUB may terminate at a point other than the customer’s property line, the CONNECTION STUB is considered part of the sewer main owned and maintained by the Authority.
CUSTOMER. The individual or individuals, partnership, association, company, municipality, or any entity whatsoever becoming the contractual applicant or actually using the sanitary sewer service of the Authority and responsible for payment therefor, as provided in the Rules and Regulations Governing Sanitary Sewer Services of the Authority.
ILLEGAL STORM WATER OR SURFACE WATER CONNECTIONS. The discharge of ground or surface water or the connection of downspouts, roof drainage, surface areaway drainage, or foundation or basement drainage into the sanitary sewer system.
INSPECTOR. The person or persons appointed by the borough and/or Authority to inspect existing or proposed facilities of the sanitary sewer system, sewer laterals, and building piping and fixtures.
MUNICIPAL LIEN AND PROPERTY TAX VERIFICATION LETTER. A written letter from the proper official of the borough concerning municipal liens and property taxes.
NO SALE. If a sale has not occurred within the last ten years, property owners shall be required to have their properties re-tested and re-certified.
OWNER. Any and all persons vested with title, being legal or equitable, sole or partial, of a building or other real estate.
PERSON. Any person, syndicate, associate, partnership, firm, corporation, institution, agency, Authority, or other entity recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.
RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Rules and Regulations Governing Sanitary Sewer Services, as adopted and amended by the MABB.
SALE. The sale of property shall apply to any sale and/or any type of transfer of or ownership of real estate for any urpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to, transfers within a family, inheritance, corporate transfers, transfers from joint or ownership to individuals and to or from financial institutions in cases of foreclosure. It shall apply to a sale, transfer, or assignment of any interest in real property, except that the following transactions are exempted:
(1) Refinancing of real property without a conveyance of an interest;
(2) A transfer from an individual or individuals into an ordinary grantor trust as that term is commonly accepted;
(3) A transfer between spouses or former spouses pursuant to a bona fide marriage settlement agreement;
(4) A transfer arising from a sheriff’s sale where the purchaser is a mortgage holder or lien creditor. However, a subsequent transfer of the property from the mortgage holder or lien creditor shall be subject to this regulation; and
(5) A transfer from a record owner to a mortgage holder or lien creditor pursuant to a deed in lieu of foreclosure. However, a subsequent transfer of the property from the mortgage holder or lien creditor shall be subject to this regulation.
SERVICE CHARGES. The customer facilities fee, connection fee, and tapping fee (comprised of capacity, collection, special purpose, and reimbursement fees) imposed by the Authority under Act 57 of 2003, as amended, payable upon connection of building or property to the sanitary sewer system, and also refers to regular usage fees, surcharges, and other charges.
SEWER LATERAL. All piping, including the property line viewport on the customer’s side of the connection stub. In those cases where, due to distance from the sewer main, it is necessary to extend a sewer lateral through neighboring public or private property, the installation and maintenance of the entire sewer lateral shall be the responsibility of the customer.
TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF SEWAGE COMPLIANCE. A temporary statement of certification from the Borough Manager issued pursuant to the terms of § 52.23.
(Ord. 2022-03, passed 3-7-2022)