(A)   All municipal waste within the borough, upon collection by the hauler, will be deemed to be the property of the hauler until delivered to a disposal facility designated by the Authority.
   (B)   Residential collections shall be made at least once every week.
   (C)   Collections from commercial establishments must be made once every week and shall be made more often if necessary to control health hazards, flies, odors, and unsightly appearances.
   (D)   No vehicle used in collecting, transporting, disposing, or removing municipal waste shall scatter any of the contents on the streets, highways, alleys, or private property within the borough. Vehicles used to haul municipal waste must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and shall meet all the requirements of the borough and the Department of Environmental Protection. Any deficiency must be corrected promptly by the hauler. The hauler shall maintain his or her equipment in such a condition as to be able to maintain the collection schedule.
   (E)   Trucks and other vehicles used by licensed haulers for collecting, transporting, disposing, or removing any municipal waste shall meet the following requirements.
      (1)   All municipal waste shall be enclosed within the confines of the cargo area, which area shall be watertight.
      (2)   Dump trucks, if constructed with completely metal beds and lacking additional wooden side boards, such trucks shall be covered with a waterproof tarp.
      (3)   Dump trucks or pickup trucks on which additional wooden side boards have been installed shall not have the side boards extending above the legal height and shall be covered with a waterproof tarp.
      (4)   Passenger vehicles used for transporting municipal waste shall keep the waste within the confines of the vehicle at all times. Access in the vehicle to the cargo area shall be kept closed at all times, without the use of additional aids as ropes, tie-downs, and other similar mechanisms.
      (5)   All tarps as required in this section shall be secured on all four sides at all times, except during actual loading and unloading.
      (6)   None of divisions (E)(1) to (E)(5) above shall hinder the separate collection of recyclable materials in special bins, racks, and the like, so long as the materials are not allowed to scatter or create a nuisance.
   (F)   After collection by a hauler, all municipal waste shall be removed from the borough within 12 hours of the time it was collected.
   (G)   No municipal waste that has been collected by a hauler (whether generated within or outside the borough) shall be kept, stored, or maintained within the borough.
(Prior Code, Ch. 20, Pt. 1, § 105) (Ord. 2-87, passed 6-1-1987; Ord. 2-2001; passed 7-2-2001)