No primary election shall be held for the nomination of candidates for the Council. Candidates for the Council to be elected at large shall be nominated by petitions signed by fifty (50) qualified electors of the City. Petitions shall be the standard forms provided by the Greene County Board of Elections for the nomination of individual nonpartisan candidates for such offices. Group petitions shall not be used for individual offices. Each circulator of a nominating petition shall be a qualified elector of the City. The signatures to a nominating petition need not be all affixed to one paper, but to each separate paper of a petition there shall be attached an affidavit executed by its circulator stating the number of signers of the paper, that each signature on it was affixed in circulator’s presence and that circulator believes each signature to be the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. The signatures shall be executed in ink. Each signer shall indicate next to signer’s signature the date of signing and the place of residence. Petitions shall be filed with the Greene County Board of Elections by 4 p.m. at least ninety (90) days before the election.
(Amended 11-6-90; Amended 11-4-14; Amendment passed by electorate 11-6-18)