A.   Dead Animals:
      1.   Placement In Container: It shall be unlawful to place any dead animal, or parts thereof, in a container for collection without the consent of the district; provided, however, this subsection shall not apply to animal parts from commercial food preparation for human consumption.
      2.   Delivery To Approved Site: Any person that owns a dead animal shall be responsible for delivering the dead animal to an approved dead animal site. Dead animals shall not be disposed of at a sanitary landfill.
      3.   Number Accepted: No more than five (5) large, ten (10) medium or twenty (20) small dead animals shall be accepted by Waste Management Service District #5 from any single producer during a one week period. Emergency exceptions may be made with the approval of the Administrative Control Board of Waste Management Service District #5. (Ord. 2018-04, 6-5-2018)
   B.   Bulky Waste: Any person generating bulky waste shall be responsible for delivering the bulky waste to an approved bulky waste collection or disposal site within the County as directed by the district. Bulky waste shall not be disposed of at a sanitary landfill.
   C.   Littering: It shall be unlawful to place, or allow to be placed, any solid waste upon the roads, streets, public or private property within this County contrary to the provisions of this chapter or State and Federal laws.
   D.   Acts Contrary To Chapter: It shall be unlawful to store, collect, transport, transfer, recover, incinerate or dispose of any solid waste within the boundaries of this locality contrary to the provisions of this chapter.
   E.   Vehicle Construction: It shall be unlawful to transport any solid waste in any vehicle which permits the contents to blow, sift, leak or fall therefrom.
   F.   Interference With Authorized Solid Waste Management: It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with any employee of the County, the district, or any employee of a contractor while in the performance of their duties as authorized by this chapter. (Ord. 93-03, 8-2-1993, eff. 10-1-1993)
   G.   Scavenging: It shall be unlawful for any person to scavenge any solid waste within the boundaries of any landfill operated by the Waste Management Service District no. 5 (the "Service District" or "district"). However, the Service District, or any agent or employee of the Service District, may collect and recycle solid waste held on or within landfill boundaries for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Service District. (Ord. 2014-08, 4-21-2014)
   H.   False Information: It shall be unlawful for any person to make any false statement in any application required by this chapter.
   I.   Dumps Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person to use or operate a dump.
   J.   Illegal Use Of Permit Number: It shall be unlawful to display any permit number unless the person displaying such number or numbers holds a valid permit or permits therefor.
   K.   Hazardous Waste: No person shall place any hazardous waste in any container for collection, transport, processing or disposal until the district has approved the method of storage, transport, processing or disposal. (Ord. 93-03, 8-2-1993, eff. 10-1-1993)
   L.   Illegal Dumping In Nondesignated Containers: It shall be unlawful for any person to dispose of solid waste by placing the solid waste, or causing it to be placed, in a dumpster, can, roll-off or container, other than the dumpster, can, roll-off or container assigned to them for use.
   M.   Out of County Asbestos Disposal: It shall be unlawful for any asbestos originating outside Beaver County to be disposed in any Beaver County owned or managed landfill.
   N.   Third Party Asbestos Disposal: It shall be illegal for a person or third party to dispose of any asbestos or asbestos-containing material on behalf of a person or involved party originating outside Beaver County. (Ord. 2014-08, 4-21-2014; amd. Ord. 2021-01, 2-16-2021)