A.    Billing Period: The regular billing period will be monthly or bimonthly at the option of the board of directors.
   B.    Opening And Closing Bills: Opening bills, closing bills and other bills requiring proration, will be computed in accordance with the applicable schedule, but the fixed charge or minimum charge specified therein will be prorated on the basis of the ratio of the number of days in the period to the number of days in the average billing period, based on an average month of thirty (30) days.
   C.    Charges For Water Services: Charges for water services, fiscal service charges, and minimum charges shall be in the amounts designated by resolution of the board.
   D.    Owner's Responsibility: The water account shall be maintained in the name of the owner of the premises and the owner shall be responsible for payment of all water bills.
   E.    Payment Of Bills:
      1.    Bills for water services shall be due and payable nineteen (19) days from the date of depositing the bill for services in the United States mail or upon presentation to the customer, hereinafter referred to as "due date". Bills for water services shall become overdue and delinquent when payment is not made by the date specified thereon at the close of business hours. The date specified thereon shall be at least nineteen (19) days after the post office cancellation date for the billing.
      2.    Service may be discontinued until payment is made in full or an amortization agreement is entered into pursuant to this section. If the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, payment is due on the next working day.
   F.    Penalties: Rates and charges that are not paid by the due date specified will be subject to a basic penalty of ten percent (10%). In addition, a penalty of one percent (1.0%) per month will accrue on the due date of each subsequent month for nonpayment of the charges and penalties; provided, however, the district will upon request, once every twelve (12) months, waive any penalty or interest charges on delinquent bills for customers who demonstrate an annual household income that is below two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty line in accordance with Health & Safety Code section 116914.
   G.    Water Used Without Application Being Made: A person taking possession of premises and using water from a service connection without having made application to the district for water service, shall be held liable for the water delivered from the date service was last given and billed and, if it is a metered connection, from the last recorded meter reading, plus a ten percent (10%) penalty. If the meter is found inoperative, the quantity consumed will be estimated. The district's determination of the estimated quantity of water consumed shall be conclusive. If proper application for water service is not made upon notification to do so by the district, and if accumulated bills for service are not paid immediately, the service may be discontinued by the district without further notice. The district reserves the right to institute civil or criminal actions to enforce a violation of this section.
   H.    Disputed Bills; Complaint And Investigation:
      1.    Should the amount of any bill for service be questioned, the customer should promptly request an explanation. If the explanation is not satisfactory or is not understood, the customer must initiate a complaint or request an investigation within five (5) days of receiving the disputed bill, or within thirteen (13) days of mailing of the notice required by section 7-2-8 of this chapter make a request for extension of the payment period of a bill asserted to be beyond the means of the customer to pay in full during the normal period for payment. The review shall include consideration of whether the customer shall be permitted to amortize the unpaid balance of the account over a reasonable period of time, not to exceed twelve (12) months. No termination of service shall be effected for any customer complying with the amortization agreement, if the customer also keeps the account current as charges accrue in each subsequent billing period.
      2.    Any customer whose complaint or request for an investigation pursuant to the above has resulted in an adverse determination by the general manager may appeal the determination to the board of directors.
   I.    Checks; Failure To Clear: If a check tendered in payment of any account fails to clear through the banks and is returned, the account shall be considered unpaid, and any receipts issued therefor shall be void, and the indebtedness shall be restored to the account. The service charge for returned checks shall be the sum as provided for in section 1-8-12 of this code.
   J.    Combining Utility Bills: The district shall have the power to combine bills for utility services rendered to any one customer or bill separately therefor, as in the district's discretion it may deem to be in the best interests of the district. (Ord. 09-230, 1-8-2009; amd. Ord. 20-252, 3-12-2020)