A.    At the time and date specified in the abatement notice, the board will conduct a public hearing to hear and consider any objections to the proposed removal and destruction of pine trees identified in the notice. The board may continue the hearing from time to time. The board will allow or overrule each objection, if any. As part of its review, the board will determine whether the initial determination of a nuisance condition is correct with respect to each property.
   B.    At the conclusion of the hearing, and based on the evidence and testimony presented at the hearing, the board will, by resolution, order compliance with the requirements of the abatement notice or with any alternate orders issued by the board with respect to those properties on which a nuisance condition is found to exist. The board's decision regarding the condition of a property and any order of compliance with this chapter as set forth in the resolution will be final and subject only to judicial review under Code Of Civil Procedure section 1094.5. (Ord. 14-239, 10-9-2014)