The Council follows the League of Cities guidelines, as stated in its book Record Retention Manual for Cities, 2008. A sampling of those guidelines are listed below.
Schedule II: Financial Records
Record Title
Retention Period
Schedule II: Financial Records
Record Title
Retention Period
I.   Revenue
   A.   Notice of property tax allocation from county
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   B.   Notice of liquor tax allocation from state
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   D.   Federal revenue sharing records (EP11, statement of assurances that city will follow rules; ORS Form 3233 plus a letter describing data used to determine allocation; and OMB Form 48-R0506, Actual Use Report)
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   E.    Investments (Notice of interest earned or reports of growth, dividends, purchase, sale, etc.)
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   F.   Parking revenue
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   G.   Road Use Tax Fund records
10 years
Fiscal value ends
      1. Application for financial aid
10 years
Fiscal value ends
      2. Annual street finance report
10 years
Fiscal value ends
      3. Street construction program
10 years
Fiscal value ends
      4. Arterial street maps   
10 years
Continuing historical value
   H.   Claims for refunds of state sales tax
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   I.   Claims for refunds of state fuel tax
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   J.   Special assessments
      1. Certified mail stubs from notice to property owners
10 years
Fiscal and legal value ends
      2. Assessment title searches   
10 years
Fiscal and legal value ends
      3. Preliminary and final assessment schedules   
10 years after final payment
Fiscal and legal value ends
      4. Petition and waiver (agreements to special assessments)
10 years after final payment
Fiscal and legal value ends
      5. Assessment plats
10 years after final payment
Fiscal and legal value ends
      6. Certificate of levy of final assessment
10 years after final payment
Fiscal and legal value ends
   K.    Bond issues and proceedings
      1. Bond certificates
10 years after final recall
Fiscal value ends
      2. Redeemed coupons   
10 years after final recall
Fiscal value ends
      3. Bond register   
Iowa Code § 372.13(5)
Administrative, legal and historical value
      4. Proceedings (notice and call of public meeting, minutes and certificate of referendum, legal opinions)
Iowa Code § 372.13(5)
Continuing fiscal, administrative, legal and historical value
      5. Remittance advice received with payments
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   L.   Records of federally funded public improvement projects
10 years after final payment
Fiscal value ends
II.   Accounting
   A.   Source documents
      1. Accounts payable
         a. Requisitions   
10 years
Fiscal value ends
         b. Purchase orders
10 years
Fiscal value ends
         c. Invoices, statements, bills
10 years
Fiscal value ends
         d. Claims presented to council
10 years
Fiscal value ends
         e. Check/warrant copies or stubs
10 years
Fiscal value ends
         f. Vendor ledger cards
10 years
Fiscal value ends
      2. Accounts receivable
10 years
Fiscal value ends
         a. Receipt copies or books
10 years
Fiscal value ends
         b. Daily cash receipt tabulations (cash register tapes, validator tallies, etc.)
10 years
Fiscal value ends
         c. Invoices, statements, bills
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   B.   Books of original entry
      1. Receipt journal (register)
10 years
Fiscal value ends
      2. Disbursement journal (register)
10 years
Fiscal value ends
      3. General journal
10 years
Fiscal value ends
      4. Appropriations journal (where maintained)
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   C.   Ledgers
      1. General ledger
Continuing fiscal value
      2. Subsidiary revenue ledger cards
10 years
Fiscal value ends
      3. Subsidiary appropriation/expenditure cards
10 years
Fiscal value ends
III.   Banking
   A.   Checking account statements
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   B.   Check/warrant register
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   C.   Cancelled checks/warrants
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   D.   Savings account statements
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   E.   Reconciliation worksheets
10 years
Fiscal value ends
IV.   Financial reports
   A.   Annual Financial report   
Continuing fiscal value
   B.   Treasurer’s and/or clerk’s report
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   C.   Sales tax and use tax
10 years
Statute of limitations on audits
   D.   Grant reports
10 years after audit; 10 years if not audited; grant terms if not stated therein
Fiscal value ends
V.   Audits
Continuing fiscal and historical value
VI.   Budget
   A.   Appropriation requests from departments
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   B.   Annual budget forms
10 years
Fiscal value ends
   C.   Final budget and certificate summary 2 copies
Continuing fiscal and historical value
   D.   Budget amendments 2 copies
Continuing fiscal and historical value
(Prior Code, Art. 15, Ch. 1, § 2) (Ord. 31, passed - -)